Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Currently....2014

Isn't it amazing how time flies?   I have this great Blog, wonderful fans and followers, and the best of intentions to write more often but I find myself becoming side tracked and here it is "Currently" time again. :)   This month's Currently is sponsored by 4Mulafun which is owned by the wonderfully talented Jennifer Smith Sloane.  Be sure to show both Farley and Jennifer some Bloggy love today.....

As I type this,  I am listening to 48 Hours (I love crime shows) and the whir and hum of the AC.  It's about 90 degrees out.  We've had some rain this week, which has made the barn entry way look like a huge mosh pit. -rolls eyes-

I am feeling  MUCH better than I was last week.  I have a tendency to worry about things and I guess all that worrying got the better of me.  I was having some ticker malfunctions and felt like I had no mojo left at all.  Not good.  Thanks to a good friend, and my Mom letting me hang out at their place I think I am doing much better.  I plan on spending more time goofing off this summer (not working all the time) and getting out and doing fun things instead of working.    I also need to stop worrying about the things I cannot change and roll with the flow a little better.   

I do want to dive back into creating, but nothing that is going to make me feel claustrophobic. I was thinking of doing some more DIY projects.  That's creative, right?   Maybe do some water color painting out on the deck.  A few weeks ago I got rid of some furniture and miscellaneous other c.r.a.p. that was on my deck.  Now it's like a bright new canvas.  I was thinking tiki bar... with maybe some colorful lights? :)

I have been wanting to do some remodel to the big goat barn.  Because of the winter and spring storms it's now moving up the to-do-list.  I need to get the end pulled off the barn, gutted, with fresh shavings.  I may be having a 2nd kidding season from July on so I have to be a bit more ready. :)

Who has time to clean their house?  lol  I love my house to be neat and tidy, but dang......... My kitchen right now looks like something exploded in there.  I'm thinking about working on that this week.  We'll see how that goes. ROFL!!!   

My Summer Bucket List consists of reading a good book (or two...), taking a little drive over to Jonesboro which is where all the good shops are (hour and a half drive) and then taking time off to sleep late and do as little as possible.  I kept my list to 3 so that I have a better chance of actually accomplishing it.

Does anyone need a Blog designed?   The summer is a good time to get a blog face lift!!!   Hint hint!    I do have some time in my lax schedule to do some more design work.  Believe it or not it relaxes me.  :)

Thank you to everyone who popped around to read this.  I love hearing from you.... I do read all of the comments!  (Even the spammy ones that wind up posting... ;)   

Have a great day!!!


  1. Ha I need to clean my house too and just wrote about it. There are just so many other things that I would rather do.... :)

  2. A tiki bar sounds like so much fun! I think that sounds like a fantastic plan. Have a fantastic summer tackling your to do list!
    Learning with Mrs. Langley

  3. A list of 3 is good - I'm all for SMART targets. I know what you mean about trying to get creative again - it's been a while for me but I did manage to get round to a few freebies - they're on my blog if you fancy bagging them.


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